Montes Alpha Merlot 2021 750ml
With an impressive carmine-red colour, the wine shows aromas principally of ripe fruit, such as red and black plum, blackberry, and strawberry. There are also interesting sweet spice and tobacco notes, and a subtle hint of fresh mint. The French oak barrel ageing adds elegance and balance, as well as notes of dulce de leche, vanilla, and a touch of cedar. The palate is balanced and smooth, with vibrant acidity that promises a long life in bottle.
Food Pairing: Highly recommended with duck breast, lamb or pork chops, pasta with pesto, lamb masala, and chicken with mushroom sauce.
ABV: 14.5% / Varietal: Merlot 90%; Cabernet Franc 10% / Origin: Colchagua Valley, Chile
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