Milenario Solera 700ml
The history of the family business Luis Caballero has its origins in 1830 in Spain, and is a founder Don Jose Cabaleiro do Lago. In 1870 the company began exporting its products to the United States and the United Kingdom under the name "Antonio Caballero & Nephews". In the same year it acquires the vineyards "El Benito" and "Las Cruces" with total area of 260 acres. In the late 1930s the family Caballero opens Glassworks "Vidrierias del Guadalete" to export to America, because of the war supplies to England became impossible. In 1932, the winery was acquired "Jose de La Cuesta" and "John William Burdon". Group of companies "Caballero" was headed by Don Luis Caballero.
The Milenario Solera 1L by Luis Caballero: a brandy with roots in Spain showing an alcohol content of 36%.
Scents of vanilla and chocolate
A particularly smooth brandy with fruity flavors and nutty