
Jameson Black Barrel Whisky 700ml


Irish winters can be harsh, and during our early years our unused barrels were left exposed to the elements in the courtyard of our distillery. Charring is an age-old method of invigorating barrels to intensify the taste. Jameson Black Barrel is a tribute to our coopers who double char our barrels to “bring the wood back to life. Our coopers would invigorate them by lowering a burning kindle into each cask, a process they called ‘bringing the wood back to life.’ 

Turns out every barrel contains secrets; the trick is coaxing them out.  

The secret we learned was that whiskey that’s spent time in double charred barrels carries an untold richness and complexity. 

Matured in a combination of American oak, sherry casks, and double charred bourbon barrels, Jameson Black Barrel is a traditional Irish blend of pot still and grain still whiskey  

but includes an additional ‘small batch’ grain whiskey also.  


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