Charles De Cazanove Albert Lebrun Collection Terroir Grand Cru Brut 750ml
Charles De Cazanove Albert Lebrun Collection Terroir Grand Cru Brut is a high-quality sparkling wine from the Champagne region. This champagne is named after Albert Lebrun, an important figure in French history who served as the President of France during the Third Republic from 1932 to 1940. It is designed to commemorate his outstanding contributions and significant position in French history.
Charles De Cazanove is a prestigious champagne house founded in 1811, with its headquarters located in Reims, in the Champagne region of France. They are renowned for producing high-quality champagnes and employ traditional winemaking techniques and use premium grapes to ensure the creation of elegant and rich champagnes.
Tasting Notes: Typically, this Brut champagne has a low residual sugar content, offering a dry and refreshing taste with abundant fruit aromas and complex bubbles. It is a high-quality champagne suitable for celebrations and enjoyment.
ABV:12% / Variety: 100% Chardonnay / Origin: France