Benediktiner Dunkel 500ml
A dark white beer that’s fresh, Benedictine Weissbier Dark is brewed using traditional methods to produce an exciting taste that lingers on the palate. The intense colour, sweet scent and gentle bitter aroma create a characteristic taste experience.
Palate: Bitter and fresh to taste, with intense malty sweetness contrasting the gentle tingle and marked effervescent nature. Pleasant exciting flavours of bitter aromatics linger on the palate after every taste, including sage, vermouth and hops.
Aroma: Malty sweet notes of dark honey and caramel permeated with intense aromas of roasted chestnuts, bitter sage and vermouth.
Appearance: Slightly opaque, like dark honey, with a lasting creamy foam head with extra-fine bubbles.
Style: Dark Wheat Beer / ABV: 5.4% / Origin: Germany