
Bacardi Carta Blanca 750ml


BACARDÍ Carta Blanca is a light and aromatic white rum with delicate floral and fruity notes, ideal for mixing.

In 1862, Don Facundo Bacardí Massó introduced the world to his BACARDÍ Carta Blanca rum. A sublime rum for cocktails, it doesn’t dominate other flavours nor does it disappear when mixed. Perfect for classic rum cocktails like the Mojito.

This distinctive spirit is aged in American white oak barrels and shaped through a secret blend of charcoal for a distinctive smoothness, making it perfect for classic rum cocktails.

ABV: 37.5% / Country: Puerto Rico / Colour: Clear

Nose: A fresh bouquet of citrus, complemented with spice and pepper.

Palate: Notes of muscovado sugar and tropical fruit with a hint of sweetness but finishes off with a lingering taste of cracked pepper and smooth vanilla and zesty citrus essence.


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