
Fonseca Ruby 750ml


Ruby Port is a traditional style of Port and Fonseca has been shipping Ruby since the company was founded in 1815. Fonseca takes great pride in their Ruby which has remained consistent in quality for over two centuries. The wine is aged for three years in large wooden vats where they soften and develop without losing their fresh, intense fruity character and their deep ruby colour. Fonseca Ruby is bottled for immediate drinking.

Tasting Notes: Deep ruby colour. Fresh, vigorous and youthful nose, full of intense cherry and blackcurrant aromas. Full-bodied on the palate, with solid but well integrated tannins, and a long, rich, fruity finish.

Food Pairing: It is an excellent dessert wine, particularly with rip, blue cheeses.

ABV: 20% / Variety(s): Old Vines / Country: Portugal


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